Thanks for your interest in and effort to apply for one of our open positions. Our vetting process is data driven to remove bias and may be different from what you've experienced in the past. We are looking for forward thinkers that don't mind challenging "average" and don't make assumptions.
Please fill out the following:
Will you call Escape on 13th's phone number at 11am and leave a voicemail with your name on a day of the week of your choosing? Let the answering message play through and you will hear a beep, then leave the voicemail with your name.
Do you have reliable transportation to and from Escape on 13th and are you at least a high school senior? Please list the transportation you plan on using.
What is one thing you've learned about in the last week (more specific the better)?
What is your general availability? (weekends, weekdays, Mon-Wed, every day, etc)
Be sure to answer all questions.
Your application has been submitted